Category: Marketing

Boost your sales with upselling and cross-selling

Getting new customers is crucial to your business, but making the most of your existing customer base is just as important. Upselling and cross-selling are popular sales techniques that not only enhance your customers’ experience but can also boost your bottom line. The best part? Upselling and cross-selling are easy to do. With a few…

5 tips for small business success in 2024

Looking towards the future is essential for small business success. But if this next year is anything like the past few, it will be both challenging and unpredictable. So how do you set your business up for success moving forward? Getting insight on emerging trends is the first step. Here’s five tips for your small…

5 lessons for small businesses from top entrepreneurs

When you think of successful entrepreneurs, who comes to mind? We’ve all heard stories of small businesses that started with very little and went on to achieve big things. But what’s their secret, and how did they do it? Let’s explore their stories and draw practical lessons that you can apply in various areas of…
Small Business Owners looking at outsourcing opportunities.

The 2023 small business outsourcing guide

Are you bogged down with tasks that stop you from focusing on the areas of your business you need to the most? Consider the benefits of outsourcing. Outsourcing has become a tool for small businesses to access specialized skills, reduce costs, and boost efficiency. In a Clutch report, 83% of small businesses planned to maintain…

Winning fall and winter marketing strategies

Every season presents its own set of unique marketing opportunities and challenges. As we move into fall and winter, it’s important to understand how the modern Canadian consumer thinks and acts. In this blog, we’ll discuss the profile of the Canadian consumer, ways to get their attention, and strategies to align your marketing efforts. Understanding…
Business owner writing her brand story.

How to tell your brand story

Behind every successful brand lies a good story. When you think of brands, you think of those that left a lasting impression on you. Like Apple, with its innovative products and minimalist designs, or Nike, with its iconic “Just Do It” slogan and inspirational marketing campaigns. Their success was built on more than just products…
Small business owner writing a blog.

The ultimate guide to writing your first blog

Since the early days of the Internet, blogs have been a way for business owners to stay connected with their clients. Even today, with the abundance of content online, they remain a powerful tool. If you’re intimated to jump in, don’t worry, we’ll help you get there. Here are tips on how to help kickstart…

Pricing strategies to maximize profitability

Balancing profitability and customer satisfaction is a common challenge faced by small business owners. Fortunately, pricing strategies provide a solution and a clear path to maximize profitability while keeping your customers happy. In this article, we’ll help you find your true price and explore six pricing strategies tailored for small businesses like yours. Finding Your…
Small Business Owner using ChatGPT

Maximize your marketing efforts with ChatGPT

AI technologies have revolutionized the marketing landscape for small businesses, providing new opportunities and challenges in equal measure. However, with the sheer volume of tools available, it’s easy to get lost in the noise. Enter ChatGPT, an AI-powered chatbot that opened a world of opportunity for business owners who may have previously overlooked the potential…
Customer Reviews

The art of managing customer reviews

Suppose a new restaurant opened in your neighbourhood, wouldn’t you look up reviews of their business online before trying it out? Nowadays, online reviews are an integral part of the customer journey. As consumers, our decision to try out a new restaurant, book a hotel, or purchase a product is often influenced by the opinion…
SMB owner looking at top trends on his laptop.

Top trends affecting SMBs in 2023 – Part 2

Small businesses face a unique set of challenges in 2023 when it comes to staying ahead of emerging trends. With limited resources and a constantly evolving marketplace, it can be difficult to know where to focus your efforts. However, staying on top of the latest trends can be crucial to the success of your small…
Small Business Owner reading our blog about trends affecting SMBs in 2023.

Top trends affecting SMBs in 2023 – Part 1

Over the past few years, small businesses have faced an enormous set of challenges, undergone an incredible amount of change, and have had to practice adaptability to new emerging trends. Unfortunately, there’s no reason to believe this will subside anytime soon, as the Canadian economy is set to face a mild recession. Still, small and…
Small Business owners going through a small business checklist.

Small business checklist – Planning for 2023

For most small business owners, this time of the year is dedicated to getting ready for the Holiday rush and ending things on a strong note. However, it’s important to plan for what’s to come. After all, 2023 is just a few weeks away. Having a small business checklist at your disposal gives you a…
Group of Generation Z streaming online.

Building a business for Generation Z

With most of Generation Z now in their late teens and early twenties, a new wave of consumers, employees and proprietors is emerging. According to a survey from RBC, challenging economic conditions have strengthened the desire for entrepreneurship in Canada, especially among younger people. Known as a tech-savvy generation, Gen Zers are leading the way…
Young female working in the Metaverse with a virtual reality headset.

The Metaverse and its impact on small businesses

The Metaverse. As a small business owner, does this term stir curiosity, confusion, or even fear? Maybe you’re wondering if the Metaverse is the future of the Internet, and if your small business can benefit from it? Is the Metaverse already here? While there has been a lot of buzz around it, it’s still very…