A guide to properly thanking your customers

As a small business owner, what keeps your customers coming back again and again? It isn’t simply having the best products and services. And it isn’t having the best promotions or marketing. Rather, creating an environment where your customers feel valued and appreciated is what fosters loyalty among your most important audience.

1. Don’t undervalue small acts
It may seem simple, but start saying thank you the old-fashioned way: in-person, via a handshake, a comment, a hug, an extra product or even a personally written thank -note. Small gestures have a big impact in making your customers feel appreciated, and that will have them coming back to purchase your products again and again.

2. Become a small business advocate
Become supportive of other local businesses in your area. You could set up a bulletin board in your store for local businesses to post business cards or flyers, or even talk up other local businesses in your area.

3. Have a block party!
During the warmer months, set up some food and music outside your storefront, and invite your customers and other local business owners. You don’t have to spend a ton of money, and it’s a great way to generate goodwill in your community.