Mile High City: Our New West Coast Home

This week, On Deck reached a major milestone by opening its new regional office in Denver, Colorado. Our new West Coast operations are already home to 16 employees, and we’re looking forward to expanding to over 200 in the next two years. To commence the opening, we were honored to be joined by Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper and Denver Mayor Michael B. Hancock at an inaugural ceremony for local On Deck customers, business partners and government officials. The Denver community welcomed us with open arms, and we were humbled by the media coverage of the event.

Denver was a natural fit for the On Deck team; in addition to helping us better serve businesses in the Mountain and Pacific Time zones, state and local officials are strong supporters of the On Deck mission.

To celebrate, we’re launching Colorado: Let’s Grow Together, a contest to connect one deserving business owner to $10,000. To enter, business owners can visit our Facebook page, and tell us in 100 words or less how an extra $10,00 could help our business grow.